Clients' Rights
Our Clients have rights. As a Grace Professional care recipient, you have the right to:
QUALITY - Receive high quality services in an empowered environment that responds to your changing needs.
RESPECT - Be valued and treated with dignity, respect and courtesy.
EMPOWERMENT - To make choices, have a voice, be heard, and be consulted and informed about your care.
ADVOCACY - Receive advocacy for integrated care designed to protect your choice support you and advocate on your behalf.
CONFIDENTIALITY - Your privacy is protected and all matters concerning your medical and personal affairs are kept in the strictest confidence according to HIPAA standards.
FREEDOM FROM DISCRIMINATION - There will be no discrimination of any type including age, religion, disability, ethnicity, or gender. Your cultural/personal beliefs and lifestyle are respected.
TRANSPARENCY - Be provided with a written plan of your care services and have access your personal information.
COMMUNICATION - Your comments are heard and valued. We welcome your feedback, grievances and suggestions through any communication channel.
TIMELY RESPONSES - Your concerns are addressed appropriately.
SELF-SUFFICIENCY - We are not replacing you; we are assisting you to the best of our ability and encouraging your independence.
RESPONSIBLE CARE - as provided by compassionate employees who have been screened and trained to deliver outstanding care.
CONTINUITY OF CARE - Continuous Quality Improvement standards ensure you receive our high standard of personalized care and services while they are still necessary and appropriate to meet your needs.
PEACEFUL ENVIRONMENT - Your services will be provided by Caregivers who practice courtesy, positive communication, and who leave their problems at home. Potential conflict resolution will be handled with sensitivity and respect.